Charleston, West Virginia Newborn Photographer | Haley B. Photography

A year ago when I came across the post this beautiful little girl’s momma made telling everyone that she had lost her baby it absolutely broke my heart. As a mother who tried for over a year and a half to conceive my own son, I absolutely could not imagine the pain of losing something so precious.

Being the mother of an angel baby is something I hope to never have to experience. I hate that anyone has to, but the joy that comes with having a rainbow baby must be SO very special. I can only imagine the feeling when Bry first laid eyes on her beautiful little girl.

The start to this session was a rough one. Baby girl did NOT want to sleep. I rocked, patted, and swayed her for near 40 minutes before she nodded off to sleep.

When she finally did fall asleep though she was like working with a doll. She barely made a peep her entire session!

One of my favorite things about designing personalized sets for each of my clients is that the sessions fit their personalities and decor throughout their home.

Since Bry’s favorite colors are purple and yellow we decided on using those for her little girl’s setups, and the cream sets were designed with her daisy themed nursery in mind. I can’t make up my mind which color I like the most! Every single set we did seemed to fit her just perfectly.

If you are thinking of booking a newborn session, I highly encourage you to do so. You just don’t know how precious these moments captured and frozen in time will or could mean to you one day.

Life is never promised, and I know that this sweet little girl’s momma will cherish these images of her forever.

I am booking into August and have very limited availability through July. So if you would like to book a newborn or maternity session with me, go ahead and fill out my inquiry form and lets get started now.


Charleston, West Virginia Maternity Photographer | Haley B. Photography


Charleston, West Virginia Maternity Photographer | Haley B. Photography